
To the Class of 2015 -

I hope this letter finds you all well and ready for the coming year. You will soon find, if you haven’t already, that Yale’s campus is teeming with passionate people and myriad activities, available for those who only ask. But something you may not have considered is how to decide which path to take and call your own. When, as it seems, everything is permitted, what will you choose? This question, of course, runs much deeper than which extra-curricular activities you join, but even that will profoundly shape your time here. I cannot presume to tell you the answer, but for those of you with a political, philosophical, or rhetorical bent, let me make a suggestion: The Federalist Party.

A debating society centered around a traditional style of debate and exchange of ideas, and one of seven constituent parties of the Yale Political Union, the Federalist Party commits itself to rediscovering American conservatism. We stand for a vigorous, but limited government, a public strength born not of size but of conviction. We believe that a strong nation is built on the foundation of a strong culture and abhor the breakdown of the family, the culture of casual hook-ups, fashionable relativism, extended adolescence, and consumerism.

On our debate floor, you will hear odes to the lost Western frontier, traditional courtship, baseball, hunting, jazz, the 1950s, and other sundry American glories. But you will also hear the enthusiastic discussion of new ideas which seek to preserve America as the world's greatest beacon of liberty and opportunity.

We value and seek to cultivate strong thought and right action rounded by the enduring bonds of friendship.  We are a society of ethicists, intellectuals, and believers who not only gather each week on the debate floor and at Monday dinners, Friday lunches, and occasional guest lectures, who share in Party picnics, even lawn games, and toasting sessions at Mory's, but also meet as friends in classes and in common rooms.

If you’re interested in the Federalist Party, you don’t have to wait to get on campus to get involved! Our Party is sponsoring a summer essay contest for the Class of 2015. Send a new essay or one you’ve already written that holds true to our Party’s mission to “rediscover American conservatism,” encompassing any political, intellectual, philosophical, or theological topic by August 15th to yalefederalist@gmail.com. We will announce a winner by the 26th, who will receive a $50 Amazon gift card. Next, we are inviting you, the Class of 2015, to choose our first debate. By following this link*, and entering your email, you can vote as many times as you'd like throughout the summer between three topics. The results will be updated each day on our website, federalist.squarespace.com.

We Federalists are excited at this start of a new year and a new class. I myself am eager to meet you when you arrive on campus at the end of August. If between that time and now you have any questions, or would simply like to get in touch, please don’t hesitate to send me an email or even a call. I look forward to seeing you this fall.


Chris Landry
Chief Whip
. . .
friend us on facebook**

* http://bit.ly/ob8VQL


R: These are the shortest, gladdest years of life


Wednesday, April 19th from 7:30-9:30 pm in the Calhoun Parlor


Gather round to hear the farewell speeches of our seniors as they reflect on their four years at Yale. Prospective students are welcome to watch our live webcast!

At 9:30 pm we will walk to Mory's for a toasting session to bid them farewell with song and spirit!


R: This House Prefers Adams to Washington


Thursday, April 14th at 7:00 pm in the Calhoun Parlor


All freshmen are especially welcome to join us for our second to last debate of the year. The Federalist Party will debating two of the greatest founders: General Washington and John Adams. Who were these men? How would we describe their ideas and vision for America? Who was the best president? Does this even matter when determining who was the best man? All our welcome for debate, drinks, and Yorkside after the debate!


R: Let the Nuclear Family Meltdown


Wednesday, April 6th at 7:30 pm in the Calhoun Common Room


The Party of the Left and the Federalist Party meet to jointly debate the state of America's families. When did the nuclear family develop? Is it already on the decline? What values do they naturally instill in American culture? Is this the healthiest configuration for American children? What of the extended family? Some questions that the Left will surely be addressing: Is the nuclear family oppressive? If we allow it to decline, is this a good or bad thing for "pluralism"? All are welcome!


R: Freedom is Slavery

Thursday, March 31st at 7:30 pm in the Calhoun Parlor


Does Lady Liberty lead mean astray? Please join the Federalist Party as we debate what it means to be free. Are we enslaved to morality? Should we be? Are we more free when enslaved by first principles? Is freedom even possible? All are welcome.